Tell Thermo Fisher: Stop Profiting from Tibetan Oppression

China has forced over a million Tibetans to submit DNA samples - including from children as young as five-years-old. This is a truly sinister attack on the Tibetan people.

And we know who is supporting China in this attack. 

Thermo Fisher, a global company that is making huge profits by allowing its DNA kits to be supplied to police forces in occupied Tibet.

But they are continuing to ignore our demands. We need your help to make them take immediate action. 

Use our simple tool to email Marc Casper, CEO, Thermo Fisher and Sandy Pound, Vice President and Chief Communications Officer, Thermo Fisher urging them to halt the supply chain of Thermo Fisher DNA kits to China immediately.

  • June A 04.05.2024 20:38
  • Karina L 30.04.2024 16:49