Hands Off Tibet's Land

Thousands of Tibetans in Tibet are being forced from their homes - Entire villages flooded - Priceless, centuries-old Buddhist heritage is being destroyed.

These are the stakes if China's Kamtok hydropower dam in eastern Tibet goes ahead.

China's dam will use Tibet’s waters to generate power for China’s cities while Tibetans are left to pick up the pieces.

Local Tibetans who have protested have been arrested in their hundreds.

One of the main companies behind the Kamtok Dam is China Huadian. China Huadian has international investors and partners. It is time for these companies, among them Siemens Energy, Credit Agricole, and Schroders, to drop China Huadian.

TAKE ACTION: Call on Siemens Energy, Credit Agricole, and Schroders to end their support of China's exploitation and megadevelopment in Tibet.

Dear xxxx,

We are writing to you to raise your relationship with China Huadian, and to urge that you terminate your relationship with the company due to its direct involvement in human rights violations in Tibet.

China Huadian is a company under the effective ownership of the Chinese government. It is currently engaged in construction projects across eastern Tibet, which have been forced on Tibetans against their wishes and will have a damaging social, environment and human rights impact.

Of particular concern is the Kamtok hydropower dam across the Drichu River in eastern Tibet. Should it go ahead a minimum of 4,000 villagers will be forced from their villages as their homelands are flooded. Six Tibetan Buddhist monasteries that are over 500 years old would also be destroyed.

Even prior to these projects, occupied Tibet was one of the most repressive places on Earth. This dam threatens to make things worse. Peaceful protests by local Tibetans against the dam have been crushed by armed police and the area remains under strict security lockdown, with no photos, video or messages since March.

Given the appalling human rights situation in occupied Tibet, and China Huadian's direct involvement in the repression of Tibetans, we urge you to reevaluate your strategic partnership with the company.

  • Stephen P 18.02.2025 18:07
  • Clarice P 18.02.2025 18:06
  • Ludwig N 17.02.2025 10:33
  • Irene C 16.02.2025 23:07
  • Gillian R 16.02.2025 22:57
  • Ellen S 16.02.2025 22:38