Political Prisoners

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There are currently over 1,100 Tibetan political prisoners being detained by Chinese authorities. They live with the daily threat of interrogation, torture or even death. This must stop. 

Free Tibet is the world’s leading organisation for sourcing, verifying, and disseminating the whereabouts and circumstances of political prisoners in Tibet and pushing for their release.

On 1 August, Rinchen Kyi, a Tibetan school teacher, was taken from her home and arrested. Since then, Rinchen Kyi has effectively disappeared with no details concerning her health or whereabouts.

Free Tibet supporters have already inundated Chinese embassies around the world calling for Rinchen’s immediate release; with 2,000 emails sent in just three days! We must keep up the momentum in support of Rinchen Kyi and for that, we need your help.

By donating to our Political Prisoners appeal, you will be supporting all Tibetans who have lived in the crippling, stifling environment of surveillance and cultural destruction of the Chinese occupation.


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