Tell your MP: Remove Hikvision from the UK

Hikvision is a Chinese state-owned company that is directly complicit in human rights abuses against Tibetans, Uyghurs and other peoples under CCP rule.

The UK government has also recognised its security cameras as a security risk. Government use of Hikvision equipment has already been banned in the USA and our own Ministry of Defence advises government departments against using Hikvision equipment. Despite this, at least three government departments - the Department for Work and Pensions, Department of Health and Social Care and the Ministry of Justice - currently have Hikvision equipment in operation.  Hikvision cameras can also still be found in local councils, police stations and even hospitals up and down the UK.

We urge you to call on your MPs to demand the Government to immediately stop the purchase of Hikvision equipment by any government body, to bring forward legislation to ban companies that enable oppression from the UK, and work to phase out all Hikvision equipment from the UK.

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